Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Taste Along with Adam the Wine Guy #5 - Bota Box

Decent wine in a box..who woulda thunk?..well, i think it started back with the Franzia's and their tremendous marketing of box wine to the general public. and what a job they did. i think i see it in every grocery store i walk one day i get this package and its a big, and heavy, i may add, box, with a bunch of boxes of boxed wine inside..figured we should give it a whirl on the "Taste Along"..I think overall these packages are really great for an everyday type wine, haven't tasted anything high end in a box yet (with out the breathe-ability it would be an interesting experiment) but the package is certainly green. you can recycle the whole thing, and the box itself is even biodegradable..Some bonus' to wine in a box..once opened you can keep it for weeks, maybe even longer, because of the airtight and vacuum sealed bladder this juice doesn't see any air till it comes out of the handy spout. also, as you kids have found out, glass breaks! worst thing that could happen here is you could get a paper cut from the box..and if you live in a small space, this is a great way to jam a ton of wine into a small thats my take for now, what do you think?

rockin the Bota Box, 2005, California, Pinot Grigio